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8 P’s of Selling: Self...

8 P’s of Selling: Product, Process, Prospecting, Promotion, Persuasion, Pricing, Positive Mental Attitude, and Presentation. From Victor Antonio...

Porter’s Business Model

By Nicolas Fluder (Founder & Owner)On 26 September 2019

Michael Porter was one of the best business thinkers during the last decades. He is the author of 18 business books and more than 130 articles in the prestigious Harvard Business...

Business Strategy – B2B...

Elaborating on a meaningful Business Strategy in B2B market is essential to significantly develop your revenue sales. These days generating a good strategy in a complex and...

4 Fundamental Sales Steps...

Meeting preparation corresponds to at least 60% of your sales success: Create a prospect’s overview with your own detailed goals Collect the right information about the company...

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